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Financial Education and Wealth Building Strategies

Medical Professionals

Nurses and Physicians

Medical Community (Nurses and Physicians) – Very few professionals invest so much for so long to provide such a wonderful service to the world. And how does our tax system reward you for taking on the pressure to keep us healthy? They penalize you by not allowing you to be able to contribute to one of the only tax-free investments offered to the public; the Roth IRA. Why is that? Because  most of you make too much money. I’ve found that as medical professionals you are a specialists at what you do and do not have a lot of time to plan for life transitions. Furthermore, you are often solicited by product pushers with poorly formed investment strategies promising wonderful returns. I formulate strategies that offer unlimited contributions, tax favor-ability and the potential to take tax-free distributions during retirement while still being positioned to leave a legacy for your loved ones. 

I spent a lot of time with my Dad in the hospital during the last year of his life and I was blown away by the demanding physical and emotional work that nurses endure on a daily basis. Watching them work day in and day out was very inspirational for me and gave me a deep admiration and appreciation for them as a person, the work they do and the lives they touch. In trying to figure out how I could give back to Nurses, I realized the best way to give back was to do so through my professional services. 

Thank you Medical Caregivers for dedicating your lives and careers to helping others in such a profound way. You all are Life changers and you make the World a better place for all of us. 

Noble Street Wealth Management and Noble Street are marketing names for The RSD Group, LLC., a State Registered Investment Adviser, member FINRA. Fiduciary Fee-only Financial Planning and Consulting and Investment Management services are offered through Noble Street. Life and Disability Insurance, Annuities, Life Insurance with long-term care benefits, Long-Term Care Insurance and Employee Benefits are offered through Noble Street Financial, LLC., a licensed Life, Health and Accident Insurance Agency and affiliate of Noble Street. 

In the course of assisting clients with constructing a comprehensive financial plan, Noble Street may recommend insurance products to a client, offered through Noble Street Financial, LLC. Clients are under no obligation to use Noble Street Financials' services and have the option to work with the insurance agent/agency of their choice. Products and services referenced are offered and sold only by appropriately appointed and licensed entities and financial professionals. Not all products and services are available in all states.

The use of the term "Registered Investment Adviser" and description of Noble Street and/or our associates as "registered" does not imply a certain level of skill or training. 

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