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Financial Education and Wealth Building Strategies

Health Is Wealth

Health is the second most important component in our overall Authentic Wealth. Most Americans have been hoodwinked and bamboozled when it comes to our Western Standard American Diet. Properly abbreviated SAD. The Standard American Diet is leading Americans to a life of obesity, depression and disease. What good is saving for financial freedom if your nest egg is spent on trying to stay alive or even worse not being alive long enough to enjoy it. 

Changing my diet changed my life. I am not the type of Adviser who will recommend any type of strategy that I have not implemented for myself and for those who I care about the most. Changing your diet for more than a month or 40 days requires us to change our mindset and how we view food. Below are some of the resources that have helped me and my family change our mindsets and change our diets and lifestyle. 

I have watched several documentaries similar to this one however, What The Health? digs deep into the divisive food industry and its connection to major institutions we rely on for consumer protection while exposing the grotesque and inhumane processes the mass meat industry uses to satisfy Americas ever growing consumption of animal meat.

Dr. Steven R. Gundry M.D is an American doctor and author. He is a former cardiac surgeon and currently runs his own clinic, purportedly investigating the impact of diet on health. Gundry conducted cardiology research in the 1990s and was a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, and is a New York Times best-selling author of books such as The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain. 

The sources mentioned above are for informational purposes only. I do not receive compensation of any form either directly or indirectly from use of the reference sources. I am not offer medical advice and recommend that all individuals consult their physician before making any major changes to ones diet.

Noble Street Wealth Management and Noble Street are marketing names for The RSD Group, LLC.

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