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Financial Education and Wealth Building Strategies


Life Insurance
Life insurance can be the foundation of a strong financial plan and can help you accomplish many objectives. Consider your long-range financial goals. Without your contribution to the household, would your family have enough money to meet the goals you’ve set for the future? The truth is, it’s a struggle when you lose someone you love, but emotional struggles don’t need to be compounded by financial difficulties. 

Life insurance products offered through (1)Noble Street Financial make it easy to put a plan in place to help safeguard your financial future should the unexpected happen. Noble Street Financial offers competitive life insurance plans designed to meet your protection needs at every life stage. Based on your planning objectives and budget, we offer flexible solutions that can help you achieve your financial goals. 

Whole Life offers lifetime coverage with premiums, death benefit and cash values guaranteed for the life of the policy as long as premiums are paid in a timely manner. Whole life insurance can be a valuable asset within your overall portfolio that builds value over time to protect your financial goals in the event of your premature death.

Term Life is a guaranteed premium term life insurance policy, renewable to age 95. Premiums are guaranteed level for the initial term period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years. The policy may be renewed after the initial term period at annually increasing rates until age 95.
  • Maximum amount of coverage for minimum amount of cost
  • Ideal for specified period of time
  • Flexible coverage periods
  • Can be renewed without proving insurability
  • Can be converted to a permanent policy without proving insurability
  • Provides a financial bridge when protection need is high and budget is restricted
Return of Premium Term offers the best of both worlds – life protection if you need it, money back if you don’t. Return of Premium Term is available for face amounts of $25,000 to $250,000. If the policy is in force when the initial term period ends and its terms have been met, 100% of your Returnable Premium will be paid back to you as a Return of Premium Endowment Benefit!

The maximum Returnable Premium amount is the sum of the annual premiums you’ve paid from the time you first purchased your policy through the last day of the initial term period. Additional premiums paid for riders, supplemental benefits, and rated policies are not included in Returnable Premium calculations.1

It is your choice how you use your Return of Premium Endowment Benefit! Some people choose to put these funds towards retirement or towards paying off a mortgage. Others use it for debt reduction or to pay off business loans.

Final Expense offers you two whole life policies from which to choose. Both offer guaranteed premiums and a guaranteed death benefit. Over the years, there have been many ways you’ve shown your family you love them. And now, you’d like to give your family a little more security by helping to ensure your financial obligations are fulfilled after you’re gone. With Final Expense Life Insurance, you can design an effective plan that fits your needs. 

Level Death Benefit Whole Life
Immediate full death benefit guaranteed never to decrease.

Modified Death Benefit Whole Life
For non-accidental death, the death benefit is limited to the return of premium paid accumulated at 5% interest during the first 2 policy years. Thereafter, 100% of the amount of insurance is payable. From day one, full benefits are paid for accidental death.

These life insurance plans can provide an income tax-free benefit to help your surviving loved ones pay:
  • Funeral costs
  • Probate expenses
  • Outstanding debt
  • Medical bills
  • Your policy benefits may also be used to help:
  • Support a grandchild’s college education
  • Provide income to your survivors
  • Arrange for a charitable gift to a church or non-profit organization
  • Create an endowment fund

(1)Life and disability insurance, annuities, life insurance with long-term care benefits, Long-term care insurance and employee benefits are offered through Noble Street Financial, LLC a licensed Life, Health and Accident Insurance Agency and an affiliate of Noble Street Wealth Management, LLC. a Fiduciary fee-only Registered Investment Adviser.  

Noble Street is the marketing name for Noble Street Wealth Management, LLC., a State Registered Investment Adviser, member FINRA. Fiduciary Fee-only Financial Planning and Consulting and Investment Management services are offered through Noble Street. Life and Disability Insurance, Annuities, Life Insurance with long-term care benefits, Long-Term Care Insurance and Employee Benefits are offered through Noble Street Financial, LLC., a licensed Life, Health and Accident Insurance Agency and affiliate of Noble Street. 

In the course of assisting clients with constructing a comprehensive financial plan, Noble Street may recommend insurance products to a client, offered through Noble Street Financial, LLC. Clients are under no obligation to use Noble Street Financials' services and have the option to work with the insurance agent/agency of their choice. Products and services referenced are offered and sold only by appropriately appointed and licensed entities and financial professionals. Not all products and services are available in all states.

The use of the term "Registered Investment Adviser" and description of Noble Street and/or our associates as "registered" does not imply a certain level of skill or training. 

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